Joseph Yossarian
Joseph Yossarian
Joseph Yossarian

Joseph Yossarian

Short Fiction

20 stories

A crowd of people in silhouette, standing in front of a raging bonfire.
An elderly man in an apron standing at the open external door of his house
Cartoon image of a female teacher pointing at a green chalkboard on which the words Tha Maths Teacher are written.
Joseph Yossarian

Joseph Yossarian


12 stories

The cover of a catalogue divided into red, white, black and grey boxes, each containing a graphic of audio equipment of the 1960s. The name Heathkit is emblazoned across the centre.
Entrance of a pub that was clearly once a cinema, built around the 1930s
Close up of the author as a child, smiling at the camera
Joseph Yossarian

Joseph Yossarian

English Tips

4 stories

A modern white computer keyboard with a heading Who Versus Whom, and the subheading How to make the right choice every time.
A split photo showing a sign above a cafe reading coffees and cream. The upper sign has an apostrophe in the word coffees, and the lower photo is amended
Two Subutteo football teams side-by-side in boxes: Warsaw and Legia Warsaw
Joseph Yossarian

Joseph Yossarian

Freelance writer and blogger from the north-east coast of England, specialising in true crime, childhood memories and whatever takes my fancy.