I’ve Given Up Checking My Medium Stats

And I feel epic

Joseph Yossarian
3 min readNov 9, 2022
Screenshot of a Medium post The Angel of the North, showing more blue external views than green internal ones.
The dreaded blue plague (Screenshot)

Even though the days are getting colder, and I face a winter of high energy costs, I have been walking with something of a spring in my step these past few days, and a smile on my face.

My felicity has nothing to do with a lottery win, or being pronged in the gluteus maximus by Cupid’s arrow, but rather I have shaken off the yoke of my Medium statistics. And I feel epic, as an old TV ad used to say.

I’ve been round the block

As a newcomer, I didn’t come to the platform as some star-struck writer who thought great riches were only a few well-written stories away. I’ve been round the block a bit, having arrived at Medium via Helium, Triond, HubPages and Bubblews. Out of those, the only one I made any worthwhile money at was Bubblews, but that platform’s model was doomed to fail. So, didn’t hold out any hope of making money on my latest venture.

I soon saw that my work was earning very little, and so whenever I checked my Medium stats, I would only look at the page views and member stats. There was no point in viewing the paltry sum my stories had earned, as I could tell by the graph showing views that there would be no need to trouble those in the financial department.

Blue plague of external views



Joseph Yossarian

Freelance writer and blogger from the north-east coast of England, specialising in true crime, childhood memories and whatever takes my fancy.